Viet Nam Vets

Viet Nam Vets MC – Who We Are
Viet Nam Vets MC is an International Organization with members in Europe, Canada and the United States. We have members in all 50 states including Alaska and Hawaii. Viet Nam Vets MC is made up of two compatible groups of former US military men.
Those who served in the country of Vietnam and earned the Vietnam Service ribbon.
Those who served honorably in the US military during the Vietnam Era and earned the National Defense Ribbon.
Bonded by history, and united by principles to form a proud and unique Biker Brotherhood, the Viet Nam Vets Motorcycle Club.
Viet Nam Vets MC contributes our energy, time and resources to an effort that will build a better future for all veterans and their families. Our first and primary mandate is to do everything within our powers to bring our POW/MIA Brothers home and to insist that our Government demands accountability for each and every one of those patriots.
The Viet Nam Vets MC continues to honor our sworn solemn oath to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic; and our inalienable rights & freedoms, which are the principles on which our country was founded.
At the same time we’re reaching out to Vietnam Veterans with assistance, by understanding their rights and benefits and help them wrestle with the bureaucratic system that has organized to deny them.
The Viet Nam Vets MC is an advocacy and activist organization for veterans rights, and related issues;
As Activist, we organize awareness events within our communities, which help to illuminate the plight of often forgotten Veterans.
As Advocates, we attempt influence and educate our communities and the media to the unique problems of Vietnam Veterans.
Our Brothers share more than just common military experiences. We also share a strict set of codes, ethics and values. We’re not a criminal organization nor do we have any intention of becoming one. However, we feel strongly about Government infringements upon any citizens personal liberties and civil rights.
We have not, nor do we intend to get involved with the private business of other motorcycle clubs or their problems. We respect all Motorcycle clubs who share our common codes and principles, along with the freedom of the wind and the road.
“We are a Brotherhood in the wind”
We returned from an unpopular war, scarred mentally and physically to a besieged Nation. We served honorably when called upon, and during a time when it was socially acceptable for our peers to burn their draft cards or flee to Canada. Wanting only justification and reasons for the death, destruction and sacrifices that were made in South East Asia. Instead of the absolution we sought, we were lied to by our Government, demonized by the media and ostracized by our families, classmates, veterans groups and the public.
“We went away as patriots, returned and were treated like Outlaws”
Most Vietnam Veterans decided to blend back into society, by attempting to hide their Vietnam Service. Others refused to hide, and many of them became Bikers and remained FREE MEN.
Becoming a member of The Viet Nam Vets MC and our unique Brotherhood takes a process. It starts which a few basics:
Verification of Veterans status (DD 214 & 215)
Own a 650cc or larger Harley Davidson or HD type Motorcycle
These are only the initial requirements, to be considered by the Viet Nam Vets MC. A select group of Men that meet these standards will be invited to hang around and participate as a guest in club runs and events. After a reasonable time and if they share our common interests, they’ll progress to the prospecting stage.
The purpose of prospecting is to enable the Brothers and the prospective member to get to know each other. It ensures that they’ll be shown what is required to wear the patch and be called Brother. It also gives the Viet Nam Vets MC Brothers a chance to see if the prospective member will represent our Brotherhood and Club with honor and Respect. As in every relationship, there is a time of discovery. We’re no different, to become a Brother it takes time and effort and we only want the most dedicated Men.
The Viet Nam Vets MC is a unique body of men, we all give 110% to our Club and to our Brothers, as we have NO class system. Societies distinctions, which are based on education, vocation or financial status, have NO relevance to our Brotherhood.
We weed out the “Prima-Donnas”, egos and assholes. We’ve undertaken a very large task, and we’re looking for a few good brothers, not a lot of miserable wannabes. We pledge to always be there for our Brothers in need, regardless if they’re one of us. If you’re interested, contact the Webmaster, or give your name, phone number and the City where you live to any Viet Nam Vets MC or Legacy Vets MC member and we’ll see to it that a Brother from your area contacts you.
“Red is for the Bloodshed, Black is for the mourning”
Support Your Local Red & Black
Contact Us
If you are an In-Country or Era Vietnam veteran, active or prior service, and are interested in exploring if this club would be a good fit for you, then fill out the contact form below and send us your contact information. We will contact you via phone and possibly setup a face to face meeting.